Echoes of our time

Welcome to the official site for Echoes of our time
Explore the digital exhibition and experience unique Swedish locations and their acoustic characteristics.
Get Revolv by Klevgrand, featuring Echoes of our time impulse response library
Resonance from our surroundings is something we experience daily, but it very rarely receives much of our focus.
It is often in places where we are met by a powerful reverberation, for example in a church, that it becomes clear that the acoustics we experience are a large part of the actual experience of the place.
With modern audio technology, it is possible to capture and preserve the resonance of a place. The files created can then be used to recreate the acoustics in real time to simulate how the place sounds. The files created are called Impulse Responses (IR)
The Echoes of our Time project started with funding from the Swedish Artists' committee (Kulturbryggan) 2020-2022. The goal was to start a library of acoustics (IR files) from some of Sweden's unique places for the first time. The files was donated to a national archive for long-term preservation. The project's second goal was to use and present places with their acoustics in focus in an exhibition context.